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Blue disoriented

One might have noticed some toilets being blue or being lighted in blue in public places, bars, restaurants, trains and conventional centers. Researchers suggest that, that drug users are in search of isolated places to induce or inject drugs into their veins. Sometimes, drug users may leave behind the used needle in the toilet which may cause hazardous injury and may transmit diseases to other people and housekeeping staff. To discourage this practice the toilets are textured and lightened with blue color as it increasingly becomes difficult for drug users to inject the drug into the vein in such color. However, this has been not a complete remedy. It has been also thought as a discouragement for people who want to hang out at isolated places as blue light disorient the visual senses of human.


Pricing is same as the standard toilets as the color has not been differentiating factor.


There has been a lot of innovation in terms of designs of blue toilets. Designs may vary from Indian toilet types to modern toilets and sinks. To name a few varieties they are close-coupled toilets, back to wall toilets, wall hung toilets, corner toilets and High-low cistern toilets etc. all colored in blue texture or effected with blue color lightening.


The prominent material used in manufacturing of Toilets is porcelain and corrosion resistant steel (If blue color is effect through blue lightening). The blue toilets made up of ceramics are found in most establishments but however, in recent times there has been introduction of bio-toilets to make them environmentally more sustainable. Sometimes asbestos and other synthetic materials are also used in manufacturing of blue toilets.


The texture and color of these toilets is dark sky blue and may be available with lighter shades of the same color i.e. blue. The same effects of the toilets are deployed and enhanced with the blue lightening.


The general dimensions of a blue toilet is, along the wall the height of an average toilet (including height of toilet seat and Water tank) used is about 26.5” with the height of toilet seat are about 14.5”. The lateral diameter is 14” and longitudinal diameter is about 18 it possess a drain hole at the bottom of 5” diameter. Thus, the dimensions of water tank 17” length, 8” around width and height of 12”.


The blue toilets primarily used at public places and in places such as bars, restaurants, plane, trains and conventional centers. The market is diffused and unclear as the objectives can be met by combination of lightening system rather than toilet color. Every buyer

About mustafa

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