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Ex-display: market segmentation

Ex-Display goods are the goods which are used by the company for display at market place to attract customer and to provide greater user experience to them. New designed Kitchen appliances are often displayed by the retailers for customers to admire their aesthetics, design, and understand innovative new features of the products. These are successful selling techniques for products where and on events “or” occasion the customer’s footfall is quite high. The Ex-display kitchen appliances range from cook hoods, refrigerators, sinks & tap, hubs, TVs and TV accessories like TV cabinet, dishwasher, air conditioners, cookers etc. The manufacturers and retailers sell Ex-Display appliances sometimes at discount and with innovative pricing to increase market share.

Market: –

The market for Ex-Display kitchen appliances is new and has been growing with the burst and in correlation to internet growth. Its absolute growth is directly linked to internet penetration and growth. Thus major growth, if it has to happen then these will be emerging markets none other than countries like India and China, where internet growth is happening at triple digit rate during recent times.

Pricing: –

New and innovative products are priced and launched at premium in order to catch early birds or first to be in market by the company. The idea is to develop market for the product and create its niche. Old designs are displayed to increase sales as it have its establish market existence.

Place: –

Place of sale products (Ex-Display Kitchen appliances) is crucial for its successful sales. Usually a place where large number of customer foot falls occurs is chosen for the successful sales campaign of the products. This can be accompanied by other events like fair, sports events, festivals and other promotional events. Nowadays, with the usage of online marketing campaign ex-display goods are sold to economy class customer (Price conscious).


There variety of products across different home appliances sellers available in market place, such as microwave oven, oven, cookers, refrigerators, taps and sinks, dishwashers, cupboards and drawers, etc.

Availability: –

They are available over seller’s physical location and both online & offline advertisements are done to dispose off. They also have wide range of payment options and may or may not come on warranty depending upon product condition and type, seller reputation, and used life. Ex-display has become a separate category of product available on online market space, with complete description and details. Some retailer also provides home delivery, installation with charges or without charges on economic feasibility.

About mustafa

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