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How to remodel your small kitchen on a small budget

Many homeowners are plain tired of looking at their same old kitchen, everyday. They want to remodel their small kitchen, but are aware of the fact that, remodeling your small kitchen can be very expensive. However, if you actually are pretty tired to the same old space, demolishing all of it and starting from the scratch is not your only option. Yes, there are many takers for that idea as well, and you can do it too if you can afford it. But, for those who do not want to break their bank for a kitchen remodeling project, here is a list of some intelligent ideas that can actually infuse a new life to your small kitchen, will still keeping the costs under control.

Open Shelves

Close cabinetry, though preferred by many, is getting old now. Especially if you have a small kitchen, try to replace it with open shelves. This will not only make your kitchen look bigger, but will also make it look trendy.


If you are too tight on your budget and don’t want to spend on replacing the cabinets, you can choose to simply change the handles of the cabinets, drawers and also the kitchen door. This can actually give a small kitchen a completely new look, without costing much. Moreover, the reality is that the cabinets do stay in style for a much longer period than the handles they originally came with.


Painting your kitchen walls is another great idea that is much more affordable than remodeling your complete kitchen. While most of the kitchens are painted in lighter shades, you can repaint it with a brighter shade of blue or maybe yellow to make it look trendy. Moreover, if you have cookware and dishes with similar designs on them, you can also paint your walls in that color and design to add a unique theme to your kitchen.


Countertop is one of the most important piece of every kitchen. Thus, replacing it with a new one that can actually match with your new paint to further enhance the looks of your kitchen.


If your small kitchen is without a backsplash, it is indeed a great idea to add one. And, if you already have one, get it replaced with a new one that is made with different tile and colors. Backsplash can actually bring in a new air of freshness to your small kitchen.

Use some of the above mentioned remodeling ideas to transform the looks of your kitchen in the most affordable way.

About mustafa

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