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An overview of bathroom vanity

For aesthetic and access reasons, most people now prefer putting their toiletries and other bathing accessories in an easily accessible facility. For this case, a vanity that is suitable for your bathroom is highly recommended. A vanity helps to reduce mayhem and chaos in your bathroom; mostly in the morning hours. However, most people do not know what a vanity is and how important it is to have one in your bathroom. Below are some explanations that act as eye-openers to you as the reader.

What is a bathroom vanity?

The bathroom combination of the basin or the sink and storage that is around it is what is known as the bathroom vanity. It is commonly perceived as the bathroom cabinetry that conceals the plumbing and used for holding the sink as well as giving the required storage. There are bench-tops which are essential elements of the bathroom vanity and can be made from wood, stone, laminate, reconstituted stone and more. The bathroom is mostly wet and thus the bathroom vanities are supposed to be moisture resistant.

Bathroom Vanities Options

Bathroom vanities are available in different shapes, designs and sizes. They can be in country style, traditional, modern, French provincial, minimalist, art deco and many other styles. They are narrow but made wide enough for the purposes of holding the sink. Some bathroom vanities can have the width of the entire bathroom wall. The vanity may also be designed according to the size of the bathroom and should proportionally fit the bathroom. Some vanities are given sharp curves while others have gentle curves, according to the design advances. Some advances have made it possible to have two sinks on one vanity for use by two individuals simultaneously.


Decision on Bathroom Vanity

The bathroom size should be the first in consideration before deciding on which bathroom vanity to use in your bathroom. You should choose a bathroom vanity that is of the right size and in proportion to your bathroom space. The vanity should also correspond to your needs. As a storage facility, it should also have enough space to store cosmetics, cleaning products, toiletries, medications, cosmetics, hair straightens and any other equipment of your choice.

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