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Install cabinets for better looking bathrooms

Just like having cabinets in places like kitchen and other rooms in your house, setting up cabinets in your bathrooms have also become very essential. Earlier bathroom cabinets were just a plain box that will be placed a layer above the sinks to store everything like toothpaste, soaps, medicines and cosmetics. Today the bathroom cabinets are built with a lot of functional purposes and for enough storage space in the bathroom.

The bathroom cabinets are available in many styles and designs that would add more elegance when installed in your bathroom. The bathroom cabinets can either be simple wall mounted cabinets with enough space for storage or even taller cabinets with larger storage area. There are a variety of categories in bathroom cabinets that are all set up as a single unit in luxury bathrooms.

European style cabinets and typical American style cabinets are more popular for using in bathroom. These styles of bathroom cabinet are found in almost any home. The American cabinets are known as framed cabinets which make use of the frames to close the cabinet fronts while the European style bathroom cabinets are the frameless cabinets which use trim strips for coverage.

Categories of bathroom cabinets

The bathroom cabinets can be categorized as stock, custom and modular cabinets depending on the process of manufacturing the cabinets. Stock cabinets are produced in mass and are very cheap in costs. There are only a few sizes and shapes of these cabinet types. Stock cabinets are easily available and brought from any nearby home improvement outlets.

The modular cabinet varieties are also mass manufactured but are available in a much broader range of designs to suit any type of bathroom. They are easy to set up and can be done by anyone with decent knowledge about fixing up cabinets using some tools.


Unlike the above two types of bathroom cabinets, custom bathroom cabinets are not manufactured in bulk. They contain unique designs and can be made to have larger space for storage in your bathroom.

These are the most expensive types of bathroom cabinets as they can be customized as per the requirements you demand and can be purchased from any custom cabinet retail stores.

About mustafa

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