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Remodelling the house with fitted wardrobes

Fitted wardrobes have become increasingly popular these days. Ever since apartments started becoming smaller, furniture began to become compact. If you happen to have your own house, and wish to make it look spacious, then such wardrobes will be the right furniture for you. Not only are they hassle free, but they also provide with ample space around the house to make room for other furniture. Mostly used in bedrooms, wardrobes which are fitted are available in a number of designs, colors and sizes. Built from good quality wood, they last very long and seldom require any repair. There are many ways in which you save a lot of space in your bedroom; you will have to find out a ways to do it.

Saving Space

You can save space if you install fitted wardrobes in your bedroom. It will provide more space to move around and you will be able to place other ornamental furniture in that area to spruce it up a little. One idea is that, you can have mirrors set up in on the wardrobe panels and a few drawers below it and it can easily work as a dresser too. By using fitted furniture, your room will look a lot bigger and will not look congested.

Other Uses

Apart from the bedroom, fitted wardrobes can also be installed in the kitchen to make the most of the wall spaces. Since the kitchen requires a lot of moving around, there should be free space on the floor for unhindered movement. Fitted kitchen wardrobes look really nice and provide a compact look to the cooking space. If designed properly, they can give ample storage area and everything can be kept in a systematic and orderly manner.

Prices And Cost

Since fitted wardrobes should be in accordance to the size and shape of the walls, it is advisable that they are custom made so that there is no problem with the fitting. These are available in ready-made forms too, and can be taken home instantly for making room. The prices, however depend on the material which has been used to create these wardrobes, so buy something which suits your budget.

About mustafa

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