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The perfect kitchen layouts

All of us want perfect kitchen layouts. First and foremost, you should realize the fact that kitchen designing is very subjective. So a layout might work for certain kitchen and won’t work for another one. This is basically due to the preferences and tastes of the people using the kitchen. It is also dependent on the working styles of the people. Also, there are so many different styles to choose from. So it should be done looking at the specifications and the needs of the user. There is no way you can get a perfect layout. The personal liking and disliking has a lot to do with the perfectness of the layout. So that is the only thing that you need to keep in mind. However, there are other things too, which require your attention. Let’s take a look below.

Stages In Kitchen Design Layout

First and foremost, let’s take a look at the various stages of designing a kitchen layout. Follow these simple steps to get it right. It is important to utilize the kitchen space in the right manner to get the desirable look. First and foremost, you need to measure the kitchen in a detailed manner. You need to look into the position of the windows, doors, electric points, sinks, drains, etc. The next step is to demarcate the area into three – cleaning, cooking and storage. When you plan the space, you need to keep these 3 in your mind. And the 3rd step is to make a list of appliances that you are likely to use in the kitchen. You need to provide space for them according to their dimensions.

Corridor Layout

It is one of the widely used kitchen layouts. This works really well for a narrow kitchen where you have two facing rows. You can keep one for cleaning and cooking and the other for the storage. You need to make sure that there is minimum 1200mm space between two rows.

L Shaped Layout

This is another popular kitchen layout. In this one, the rows are diagonal to one another. Therefore, it forms an L shape and hence the name. This gets the kitchen working space in the corner. This will allow you to have lots of free space to move about.


About mustafa

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