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All about bathroom designs

It is not easy and cheap to renovate a bathroom. Bathrooms are very important in every house. There are a number of bathroom items available in the market. Right from stylish bathroom paint, tiles and bathroom accessories it has become more and more difficult to make an appropriate choice to give a different and modern look to your bathroom.

Things that needs to be considered when selecting a bathroom design


The size of the bathroom is very important that needs to be considered when selecting a bathroom design. Do not add too many vanities in the bathroom as it will reduce the space and look clumsy.

2 Storage:

Always consider a design that has ample of storage space. It should have enough drawers and cabinets to store all toiletries and other bathroom items.


You can use creative ideas to decorate your bathroom and keep it spacious. A glass panel or curtain can be used to separate the toilet area and bathing area.


The bathroom should be properly ventilated. Several venting options are available in the market. This is necessary to remove the odor and bad air from the bathroom.



One can keep a small plant in the bathroom to bring in fresh air.

Things that needs to be considered when selecting bathroom fixtures

Toilet: High efficient toilet should be considered when planning a bathroom design. It should use less than 2 gallons of water per flush.

Vanity: Vanity is important and should be purchased considering the style, size, shape, color, and décor of the house. It should be spacious, durable and easy to maintain.

Shower: Showers should be high efficient and should save 7 gallons of water per shower. Automatic showers are also available that save a lot of water compared to the ordinary ones.

Bath Tub: Select a bath tub that is deeper and has a smaller tub which can be used by two.

Steps to considered when selecting a bathroom idea

Study your bathroom: Study all design types, available bathroom fixtures, and vanities etc. that are available in the market.

Purpose: Find the purpose of redesigning your bathroom. Check whether you want to change the design of the entire or partial bathroom.

Budget: Create your budget. Check for discounted items online for fixtures or vanities.

Plan your design: According to the space you can select the design keeping in mind the décor and style of the entire house.

Choose material: Shortlist on your fixtures, vanity etc. Hire a trusted and experienced professional to get the work done.

About mustafa

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