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A few design tips for a german kitchen

In case you are refurbishing your kitchen and are looking forward to make new additions to it, then a German kitchen would be ideal for you. There are a number of advantages of such a kitchen as it helps in optimally using up the kitchen space without overcrowding it.

Few Things Which Must Be Considered

In case you have made up your mind to go the German kitchen route, you will have to find out about it. There are 3 crucial points in every kitchen design and they are

  1. Lighting: lighting is perhaps the most overlooked areas in most kitchens. People fail to realize that all the remodelling will not come to life if it is not lit up and visible. Making use of the lights inside the cabinets, near the cooking area etc will help in smooth functioning of the place.
  1. Function: the functioning of the kitchen solely depends on your preferences and style of working. There are three areas of the kitchen which include storage, cooking/preparing and cleaning spaces. Check out which area would you emphasise on depending on your needs, before opting for the design of your kitchen.
  1. Storage: Ergonomics is very important in German interiors. So storage in combination with class and design is what German designs are all about. The shelves and cabinets are aesthetically designed with quality products, along with a dash of glamour and tons of functionality in them.

Choosing The Right Designer


A German kitchen is not just about buying the right products and placing them haphazardly. It is about the aesthetical placement of every important component of the kitchen. A good designer will ensure that everything is kept in place and looks great. He/she will make the perfect use of light, to bring forth the look of your newly designed kitchen.

Retailing And Pricing

While most people are of the opinion that all the components of a German kitchen are overpriced, it is a myth. Try to find a good retailer or even better a wholesaler who deals in such parts. This way you will be able to have a brand new kitchen without overstepping your budget.

About mustafa

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