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Choosing kitchen backsplash tiles

Backsplash tiles one of the most underrated elements of a kitchen. Because they are placed behind the counter or the sink, they are often relegated to the ‘will decide last’ category. But the truth of the matter is, backsplash tiles are one of the elements of your kitchen that people will observe most closely. And the right type of tiles can make the entire kitchen look brighter and more attractive.
As the name suggests, backsplash tiles are meant to protect the walls from cooking backsplash. But the question lies again, should such a tile be chosen for utility and convenience or should it be chosen for style? But with the type of tiles available today, this is actually an easy quandary to solve. 

The materials
Ceramic, porcelain and glass tiles are quite easy to clean. And they look very elegant as well. Hence, one does not have to compromise with anything with such tiles. Some of the more expensive materials such as stone are harder to clean. They also have a tendency to splinter and hence may not be the best of choice.
As ceramic tiles are heat resistant as well. So one does not have to worry about hot liquids spilling over. In the case of backsplash tiles, even the most inexpensive material can be made to look rich and expensive so you need not worry too much about the budget. But having said that, monetary matters can never be unimportant!

The budget

It is essential to have a budget, even for an element as small as backsplash tiles, for it is very easy to lose track of one’s spending in this case as well. There are many types of such tiles available in the market that are quite expensive.
If you indeed wish to go for the expensive materials, it is best to place them in such locations that will highlight them the best. Behind the sink and stove seem to be the best locations for the same.

The colors and layouts
It is very innovative to play with colors and layouts when it comes to backsplash tiles. You need not choose a single color for the entire space, mixing and matching works beautifully too, especially in a traditional kitchen. But this does not mean that modern kitchens have to be drab or boring. If done correctly, contemporary kitchens can benefit immensely for shapes, patterns and textures.

Backsplash tiles are essentially placed in the heart of any kitchen, where most of the work is actually done. Hence it is important to select them with forethought.

About mustafa

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